Les Actuaires sont les professionnels les mieux payé au monde
In an effort to encourage & promote Actuarial Science in Cameroon MIU the unique SOA paper/pencil exam center, the Society of Actuaries Cameroon and the supervisor of the society of actuaries US are lunching a recruitment of 10 students into the Associateship of the Society of Actuaries ASA and 10 students into the Certified Actuary Analyst CAA for the dec/Jan session. Holders of GCE A/L, HND, Bachelor etc both English and French are concerned. The tuitions has been reduced to 625000 from 2.5m. This will be on a first come first served bases. at the balance obili center. For more info call 653978080, 694545114,676927757 or write to admission@miueducation.com whatsapp 691500719
Pseudo: miu
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