Nature’s Gift for Life (NG4L)
Website Product Descriptions – Protégé Enfant
Adults aren’t the only ones who may need to supplement their daily intake of vitamins and minerals. Children may also need to take a multi-vitamin to help fill in the gaps in their nutrition. NG4L Protégé Enfant is a great tasting chewable multi-vitamin specifically balanced for the needs of kids. Containing key vitamins A, C, D, E and a combination of B vitamins, Protégé Enfant is gentle on the system while being effective.
Vitamins D and C are essential vitamins necessary in the development and growth of bone and muscle tissue. Vitamin A is necessary for healthy vision, while B vitamins are responsible for supporting the health and maintenance of a number of systems within the body. Vitamins C and E add value as potent antioxidants able to fight free radicals in the body. NG4L Protégé Enfant balances these vitamins at just the right levels. The resulting combination helps support a healthy immune system, promotes healthy bone and tissue growth, and supports eye, cardiac, respiratory and cognitive systems.*
Chew one tablet daily.
If you or your child is currently taking medication, check with your doctor before starting a NG4L Protégé Enfant regimen. If you are pregnant or nursing consult with your doctor before use.
NG4L Protégé Enfant is recommended for children as a daily supplement to support overall health and wellness.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Tel Boutique: 677856155
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