Each of the terms mentioned below have in these Terms of Use of the site Camerbiz.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") the following meanings:
Ad : means all elements and data (visual, textual, sound, photographs, drawings), filed by an Advertiser editorial under his responsibility, to buy, to rent or sell property or to offer or seek a service or employment and posted on the Website.
Advertiser : means any natural person or moral person established in Cameroon, who holds a Professional or Personal Account and has deposited and posted an announcement via the website. The term "Advertiser" gathers in the Terms two types of advertisers:
Personal account : Refers to the free space, accessible from the website, which all Private Advertiser must create, and from which he can distribute, manage, view his ads, subscribe to one or many option (s) pay and buy credits.
Professional account : means the space accessible from the Website and Applications, which any professional announcer must create, and from which he can distribute, manage, view his ads and perform his commands.
Website : means the website operated and mainly accessed from URL www.Camerbiz.com and allowing users and advertisers access via internet services offered on the platform.
User : means any visitor with access to services via the Website.
Camerbiz.com is one of the largest online marketplace in Cameroon, allowing users equipped with a device connected to the Internet to easily find items and services they want and need.
Furthermore Camerbiz.com offers both individuals and professionals, the opportunity to sell or buy almost anything. This diverse and passionate community of buyers and sellers has a wide range of selection among the multiple categories present on the website www.camerbiz.com.
Note that Camerbiz.com holds no object for sale or sold on its site, and is not involved in any way in the transaction between sellers and buyers. The sales contract is concluded exclusively and directly between the seller and the buyer.
We do not intervene in transactions between buyers and sellers. As such, we do not transfer ownership of objects from seller to buyer. The agreements of sale / purchase are concluded directly between the buyer and seller. Consequently, we have no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items being sold, the truth or accuracy of the content or ads users, the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to pay for items. Any indication on pricing and delivery, or any other advice offered by Camerbiz.com are provided for informational purposes only. Moreover, we cannot ensure that the seller or the buyer conclude or perform the transaction. The seller is free to choose the bidder with whom he wishes to conclude the sale. However, as soon as the seller notifies the bidder, that he accept his offer, the dispositions of the Cameroonian law apply to the sale.
Any User - Any Advertiser declares accessing and using the site Camerbiz.com, having read these Terms and Conditions and expressly accept without reservation and / or modification of any kind. These Terms are therefore fully applicable to Users and Advertisers.
IV.1 - Règles générales
Tout Utilisateur – tout Annonceur déclare être informé qu’il devra, pour accéder aux services du présent site web, disposer d’un accès à l’Internet souscrit auprès du fournisseur de son choix, dont le coût est à sa charge, et reconnaît que:
L’Annonceur s’engage, le cas échéant, à respecter et à maintenir la confidentialité des Identifiants de connexion à son Compte Personnel ou Compte Professionnel et reconnaît expressément que toute connexion à son Compte Personnel ou Compte Professionnel, ainsi que toute transmission de données depuis son Compte Personnel ou Compte Professionnel sera réputée avoir été effectuée par l’Annonceur.
Toute perte, détournement ou utilisation des Identifiants de connexion et leurs éventuelles conséquences relèvent de la seule et entière responsabilité de l’Annonceur.
Vous vous engagez à utiliser nos Services conformément aux présentes Conditions d'utilisation. Lorsque vous utilisez ces Services, vous vous engagez à ne pas :
Textes et images de petites annonces ne peuvent pas, en particulier:
Si vous êtes inscrit sur Camerbiz.com en tant qu’entité professionnelle, vous reconnaissez avoir l’autorité et le pouvoir juridique d’engager cette entité. Si vous exercez votre activité en tant que professionnel sur Camerbiz.com, vous devez vous conformer aux lois applicables en matière de commerce électronique sur le site sur lequel vous vendez des objets.
IV.2 - Conditions de mise en vente
Lorsque vous mettez en vente un objet, vous acceptez de vous conformer aux règles de mise en vente ainsi qu’au règlement de mise en vente. Vous acceptez également que:
En conséquence, pour permettre une expérience utilisateur positive, une annonce peut ne pas apparaître dans certains résultats de recherche, ce quel que soit l'ordre de tri choisi par l'acheteur.
IV.3 - Conditions d'achat
Lorsque vous achetez un objet, vous acceptez de vous conformer au règlement pour les acheteurs et de :
Camerbiz.com is committed to implement all necessary means to ensure the best possible provision of services to Users and Advertisers.
However, camerbiz.com disclaims all liability for:
The User - Advertiser therefore waives seek redress Camerbiz.com for any reason whatsoever, for indirect damages such as lost profits, loss of opportunity, commercial or financial loss, increased overheads or losses emanating from or resulting from the execution of these.
Any User and Advertiser is then only responsible for damage to third parties and the consequences of claims or actions that may result. The User also waives all appeal against camerbiz.com in the case of prosecutions conducted by a third party against him because of the use and / or illegal use of the platform, if case of loss of password by a User or Advertiser or in case of usurpation of identity.
Users and Advertisers recognize that places meeting points suggested on the Website as a place to conduct the transaction between the Advertiser and the buyer are mentioned for identification purposes only and that the liability of the latter will in no event be held liable for transactions made in their establishments. Users and Advertisers are solely responsible for transactions performed as well as for their consequences
It is possible to insert different ads, either for free or as a paid ad with additional options.
With a private account, you can insert up to 5 ads per week.
You can put up to 4 photos per ad
To create a professional account / business account or to mutate your private account to a business account you should contact Camerbiz.com.
Camerbiz.com ensures the reliability of professional advertisers verifying the accuracy of information (identity, addresses, Headquarters, …) provided at account opening.
With a business account, the possible number of ads is unlimited.
You can put up to 8 photos per ad.
If part of the TOS shall be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, for any reason whatsoever, the articles in question would be deemed unwritten, without questioning the validity of the other articles, which will continue to apply between the Users or Advertisers and Camerbiz.com.
These Terms are governed by Cameroonian law.